Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Inaugural Monday Marathon

The Marathon Picture Tradition Continues: Pete and me (reversed order) at mile 26.5

Last week, following the Trail Mix 50K, my running partner announced a brilliant plan for the future of our summer training. Pete and I run together on Monday mornings. We usually get in between 15 and 20 miles. Now, without consulting me, pete decided that we would start running 26 miles every Monday, thus was born
Marathon Mondays.

Yesterday, we ran our first Monday Marathon. Wow. It was tough. I've got two really good excuses for why it was so difficult. First, we are still recovering from the 50K last week. Second, we normally walk up all hills or inclines. When we run at Afton, that means we get to walk often. But out at Wild River, the trails are less hilly. That means we run more.

Despite the pain and S-Cap-resistant cramps, we had a great time. Read Pete's
account. It's really good.

Interpretive Center at Wild River State park. 
The Start and Finish line.

The "trail" along the St. Croix. 

We had to cut through the forest to avoid the lakes created by a flooded river.  We still had to scramble across several streams and ponds.

 St. Croix River



Nice. I like that part..."without consulting me"
Sorry to hear you're so sore but you'll be fine by next Monday...just in time to begin again.

phillip gary said...

Good news: You finished the last trial in Law School.

Bad News: Real life Law School gets in the way of Marathon Mondays.

"You see here, judge, I can't be there at that trial since I'm on the trails a-trainin'. Dump the robe, come on out and get in the mud with us!."

Maybe that's a post-law school course?

Will you do the Marathon Monday after the Superior 50k?

Best on the Trail,
Phillip Gary Smith

Jenna said...

i didn't read this yet. i just saw the picture of you and pete and decided to tell you that you guys look really tough. like one of you just spit and the other said the f word. (i don't know which did what...that's for you to decide.)

Jenna said...

okay...you came up on my feedreader and avery walked up, saw the picture and asked, "are they robbers or something?" point.

Unknown said...

Actually, we both did a lot of swearing that day. I spit some; Pete's too cultured to spit.


but I'm not too cultured to drop a few f-bombs when the pain warrants it.