Sunday, April 26, 2009

Faces of Upper Midwest Ultra-ing

When I run, I carry a camera. Sometimes the pictures are priceless and reflect aspects of the blessings of ultra running. Sometimes, the endless pictures of trees, grass, lakes and more trees just waste digital space.

As I milled around before Saturday's Chippewa Moraine 50K race, it suddenly dawned on me that I had never intentionally photographed one of the invaluable benefits of ultrarunning; the ultra runners.

So, before I post a review of Saturday's run, here are some of the invaluable folks associated with ultra running in the upper Midwest. I certainly don't have everyone. Each of these people has impacted my running in some manner. If I missed you, I apologize. The most obvious missing person is Peter Grimes, my running partner for the past two years.

Wynn Davis - race director

John Storkamp - overall men's winner

Steve Quick

Pierre Ostor

Larry Pederson and Nancy

Tom Burr

Eve Rembleski

Molly Cochran

Matt Patten

Maria Barton

Kevin Martin

Helen Lavin - overall women's winner

Darryl and Lynn

Bruce Smith
Allan Holtz

Henry Lewis, friend from church; first ultra.


Matthew Patten said...

Great pictures Joel.

That is Bruce Smith, not Bruce Juppe. Also known as Bruce "Fall into ice water" Smith

nwgdc said...

I wish I had known you were there! I would have introduced myself...great photos, though. My mom even made it into one of them :)

SteveQ said...

Great photos! Each one has its subject in a typical pose - including my half-leering grin. I might want to borrow that one.

SteveQ said...

Oh, by the way, there's some interesting spelling. It's Ostor, Pederson, Rembleski (used to be Rukavina), Darryl and Allan.