Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My Plug for "A Mile of Dreams"

Recently, Marty and I met a great couple, Jim and Chris.
It turns out that Jim has written a book; about running.

Jim recently told me that Run N Fun is carrying it now. The book is other places as well.

Amidst all the books on running out there, try reading this one from someone in our backyard.

Here's a synopsis:

Jim Trevis, a former 800-meter runner, has written a novel called A Mile of Dreams. It’s central theme is Joe Mitchell’s desire to join the track team his senior year, fall in love and win the conference mile race. On deeper reading, the novel is also about strained family relationships as rural culture transitions from isolated, one-family farms to modern, commercial agriculture. The novel accurately portrays the toil that a dairy farm requires, consuming nearly every waking hour of the family. This constant grind gnaws away at the family physically and emotionally, jeopardizing the very relationships that family farms are supposed to embody. Despite the fact Joe’s absence threatens their livelihood, Joe’s father allows him to run track. That decision drives the novel into unexpected twists and turns. Having to reach their own grand pledge to help Joe achieve his dreams, his parents also come of age—once again finding that relationships— parents to son, husband to wife—are far more important than farm mortgages. The happiness and fate of all the book’s main characters hinge on whether Joe gets his chance to run the mile of his dreams. Signed copies of the book are available through Trevisbooks.com. Or it can be ordered through Xlibris.com (publisher), Amazon.com or Barnesandnoble.com.

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